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HPE, ParaKids and Sofia Tech Park: Because kids need to play…all kids!

It all started with an idea. A simple idea – to support kids with different abilities by building open playground or integrating an open door sport equipment that will improve their daily activities. Group of HPE team members decided to devote time and efforts. We did not know how to make it happen. We were not sure how it will be done. But we started with researches and talks. We had meeting after meeting. And we saw we need to research further. After we discussed and learned a lot, we established partnerships with ParaKids and Sofia Tech Park. Together we did our steps in the journey to create something accessible for each and every child – a Lumi touch board located in Sofia Tech Park area. With this bold mission back in November 2020 we started an internal HPE campaign. Thanks to our team members volunteering contributions we managed to fund our project. And we turned our idea in reality. Just a few days ago, the Lumi Touch has been installed.

Of course this is just phase 1 of our journey and we will not stop here. We believe that when we combine efforts we multiply the force for good and we transform the environment and the infrastructure to make them accessible for every children.

Because playing games is every child right not a privilege.

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