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Ten Oscars for innovation, high technology and business services were presented at the 2023 ITS Awards in Sofia

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During an official ceremony held in Sofia, the prestigious SEE ITS Awards recognized outstanding achievements in innovation, high technology, and business services, acknowledging the commendable contributions of companies shaping the knowledge economy in Southeast Europe. These Technology Oscars marked the pinnacle of the SEE Innovation, Technology and Sourcing Summit 2023 international conference, solidifying Sofia's position as the premier hub for high-tech services in the region. The event's overarching theme resonated with the vision: "Southeast Europe as a growth engine in uncertain times ."

The collaborative efforts of the Association for Innovation, Business Excellence, Services, and Technology (AIBEST), the Bulgarian Entrepreneurs Association (BESCO), the Ministry of e-Government, and Sofia Municipality, in conjunction with Invest Sofia, orchestrated this forum. Their primary objective aimed at nurturing the business ecosystem in Southeast Europe while propelling the region into a leading destination for high-value-added services worldwide. The gathering drew 300+ influential business leaders from leading technology companies and startups across Bulgaria and Southeast Europe.

In the face of intense competition featuring an unprecedented number of entries, the 9-member international jury carefully selected the winners for the third edition of the SEE ITS Awards.

The Bulgarian Minister of e-Government, Alexander Yolovski, honored Experian Bulgaria with the "IT Product of the Year" award, recognizing their innovative solution designed to combat digital fraud.

The technology company EPAM received the highest number of awards. The international jury ranked it first in the categories of "Service Provider of the Year" and "Business-educational Cooperation of the Year" for their collaborative projects with the Municipality of Burgas - eKids and CodingKids.

Paysafe was honored with the "Business Transformation of the Year" award for their relentless commitment to continuous process improvement.

DIGITALL was hailed for their groundbreaking work in cybersecurity, earning them the distinguished "Innovation of the Year" award for the development of a cutting-edge cybersecurity center.

Recognizing exemplary employer practices and sustainable HR policies, Scalefocus received the esteemed "Employer of the Year" award. It was presented by Viktor Gusev from Invest Sofia.

The "Best Resilience Project of the Year" award was granted to SoftServe for its swift adaptation to a global crisis situation.

DXC was named the "CSR Initiative" due to its numerous activities that have brought about a positive impact on society.

CleverPine was honored with the "Startup of the Year" award for its unique and innovative business model.

Accenture Bulgaria received the "ESG Leader of the Year" statuette for the company's comprehensive sustainable development policies and practices.

The successful execution of the 2023 SEE ITS Awards was made possible through the generous support of DSK Bank, C&W Forton, BLD, Infopulse, KBC Global Services, and RingCentral.
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