Our voices

AIBEST webinar - The theory of office gravity

There are changes in the labor market. It becomes more competitive.
The working from home trend will continue, so adequate regulation is needed.
The meaning of the office work environment has changed. New solutions are needed to respond to the "new workplace".

How to expand the labor market in the countryside?
- How business, the state and municipalities can change the working environment / regulations, what local communities gain from teleworking
Remote mode:
- Where do you work from, instead of where do you work - a sustainable solution in the new digital world / mobility, keeping employees working remotely from the headquarters
Office or communication center / Is it possible to be with your children in the office?
- The work-family balance in an office environment / new uses of the vacated office space
Motivation beyond the motivation of gains
- Work is a vocation related not only to the office and the social benefits / new policies and practices of employers to maintain the teams motivated

Watch the full video (in Bulgarian only) - here

2020-06-26 09:26 In the media