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Global Cyber Security Summit 2024 in Sofia

On the 25th of September Planet Schwarz Tech Theater, Sofia will host its first edition of Global Cyber Security Summit 2024 (GCSS). The conference will gather leading experts, government representatives and corporate leaders to discuss the newest trends and strategies in cybersecurity.

Different topics will be addressed during the conference, amongst which why cybersecurity is important, what are the current cyberthreats, which practices are the best in countering cyberattacks and what are Bulgaria’s and Europe’s cybersecurity plans for the next couple of years. Included in the program are solo lectures and discussion panels where world-renowned names from the field will share their expertise. For the first time in a forum like this, as part of the program, a short film and theater performance dedicated to cybersecurity will be presented live, together with unique exhibition of the biggest hacktivist groups.

Among the main speakers during the conference will be: Senior Commissioner Vladimir Dimitrov – Head of the Bulgarian Cybercrime Unit at GDCC – MOI; Menachem Schafran – Senior Vice President of Product and Innovation, XM Cyber; Bouke Hoving - Chief Information Officer, ING; Snezhana Ilieva - Director, AI lead for Southeast Europe for PwC and others.

You can find more information about the event here.
2024-06-13 19:11