Our voices

AIBEST and BESCO initiated establishment of a standing committee in the National Assembly on Digitalization, Information Technology and Innovation

Bulgarian Parliament accepted the joint proposal of AIBEST and BESCO for the establishment of a standing committee in the National Assembly on Digitalization, Information Technology and Innovation (DITI). We sent our proposal during the previous National Assembly, but due to its short life it was not put to a vote. In the beginning of August MPs voted the Rules of Organization and Procedures of the 46th Bulgarian Parliament and the new committee it’s already a fact.
The set-up of a working partnership with the National Assembly will enable the voice of business to be heard and will ensure better protection of our national interests at European level.
The establishment of this committee will provoke and stimulate the debate on upgrading the Bulgarian legislation and creating models for prioritizing our sector and the industries of the future as a whole.

We will work with the Committee on the following priorities:
  • Increasing the number of highly qualified talents in Bulgaria, which is of key importance for the knowledge intensive industry;
  • Remediation of remote work;
  •  Electronic employment record book;
and many other topics related to business digitalization, e-government and startup development, improvement of the environment for further boost of the high-tech industries in Bulgaria.

The establishment of DITI commission is a fundamental step for the transformation of the Bulgarian economy to economy based on products and services with high added value and we are glad that AIBEST is the leader of this process.
2021-08-04 09:05