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#1 motivational speaker is arriving for the biggest innovation and technologies forum in Southeastern Europe

SEE ITS Awards will distinguish the most innovative and withstanding companies in the business services and technologies sphere in the region

The chosen #1 motivational speaker outside of the US in the Global Guru rankings – Jim Lawless will be an expert guest of the biggest innovation and technologies forum in Southeast Europe SEE INNOVATION, TECHNOLOGY AND SOURCING SUMMIT. The event will take place on September 29 in Sofia, and its organizers are the Association for innovation, business services and technologies (AIBEST) and the Bulgarian startup association (BESCO). The conference will become one of the hottest topics for high-tech services in the region and will be held under the motto “Southeast Europe – growth engine”.

Jim Lawless is a universally known international lector due to his energy, humour and the lasting impact he has on his listeners’ way of thinking and actions. With his motivational speeches, he has inspired over 1 million people from five continents.

Jim is the founder and CEO of the company Symmetry, which advises global leaders in a variety of different industries on how to successfully transform their companies into more agile, purpose-driven and efficient organizations. His broad portfolio of clients includes companies from Apple to Diageo, fast-growing organizations and Olympic teams.

He is the author of the international bestseller "Taming Tigers", at first glance what looked to be "impossible adaptations" he himself proved by testing his own capabilities. Within just a year of getting on a horse for the first time, he became a professional rider, which resulted in a 25% weight loss. At the same time, for 8 months he held the record for the deepest dive without an oxygen bottle in British history and was the first Briton to break the magical barrier of 100 meters. He achieved both sporting successes without breaking away from his daily work, to show that, business transformations are possible without interrupting the rhythm of work for companies.

The SEE Innovation, Technology and Sourcing Summit (SEE ITS Summit) will bring together the business leaders of the leading technology companies and startups in Bulgaria and the countries of Southeast Europe. It will discuss trends and forecasts for the development of the business services industry and the technology sector in the context of Industry 5.0, ESG principles, cyber security and increasingly sophisticated AI tools and humans’ place in them. The forum will also be a platform for the exchange of experience in the field of innovation and technological transfer in the region. Within the framework of the event, a report on the development of the high-tech industry in Southeast Europe by country and the potential of each of the markets will be presented.

The main goal of the conference is to support the development of the business ecosystem in Southeast Europe and to position the region as a leading destination for services with high-added value and growth.

The international SEE ITS Awards will also be presented at a special ceremony. They will highlight the best-performing companies in the region, good practices in the knowledge industry, the proactivity of local authorities and the interrelationships between the actors of the entire business ecosystem that contribute to its development. Awards will be presented in 10 categories – “Business Transformation of the Year”, “Employer of the Year”, “Best Business Service Provider”, “Technology Startup of the Year”, “Innovation of the Year”, “IT Product of the Year”, “Best Socially Responsible Initiative”, “Best Business-Education Partnership”, “Best Sustainability Project” and “ESG Leader”. The application process is open until August 31, with the applications for participation to be completed on the site - https://seeitssummit.com/awards-2023.
2023-07-25 17:08