Talent pool
Number of universities
Vocational schools
Primary, lower and upper secondary educations stage schools
Population with university degree
Enrollments in all type of schools - primary, lower and upper secondary educations stage, 2018.

School enrollment, tertiary, 2017, World Bank data
The enrollment ratio has steadily improved since 2000, standing at 71% in 2017, the second highest figure in Southeastern Europe, up from 44.13% in 2000.

Researchers in R&D (per million people), 2017, World Bank data
Share of all students in secondary education enrolled in general programmes, 2017
CAGR for 5-year period is 1.83%
Share of all students in secondary education enrolled in vocational programmes, 2017
CAGR for 5-year period is 1.5%

Language skills
  • English language studied by ≈ 87 % of students
  • Each year approx 15,000 students pursue a university degree in language studies including Chinese, Japanese, Hindi, Scandinavian, and Slavic languages
  • 45.5 % from the population in Bulgaria speak at least one foreign language
  • There are over 100 specialied language schools with about 10,000 graduates per year, with knowledge of West European or other foreign languages
  • Other languages taught in Bulgarian secondary schools include Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Romanian, Swedish, Hindi, Hebrew, and Turkish

Pupils by education level and foreign language studied in % 2017, Eurostat

Prizes for Bulgaria from International High School Competitions in October 2018 - September 2019

Graduates Potentially Suitable for Outsourcing by Year and Field (%)

Number of Schools and Universities Preparing Students for Potential Outsourcing

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