Primary, lower and upper secondary educations stage schools
Population with university degree
Enrollments in all type of schools - primary, lower and upper secondary educations stage, 2018.
School enrollment, tertiary, 2017, World Bank data The enrollment ratio has steadily improved since 2000, standing at 71% in 2017, the second highest figure in Southeastern Europe, up from 44.13% in 2000.
Researchers in R&D (per million people), 2017, World Bank data
Share of all students in secondary education enrolled in general programmes, 2017 CAGR for 5-year period is 1.83%
Share of all students in secondary education enrolled in vocational programmes, 2017 CAGR for 5-year period is 1.5%
Language skills
English language studied by ≈ 87 % of students
Each year approx 15,000 students pursue a university degree in language studies including Chinese, Japanese, Hindi, Scandinavian, and Slavic languages
45.5 % from the population in Bulgaria speak at least one foreign language
There are over 100 specialied language schools with about 10,000 graduates per year, with knowledge of West European or other foreign languages
Other languages taught in Bulgarian secondary schools include Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Romanian, Swedish, Hindi, Hebrew, and Turkish
Pupils by education level and foreign language studied in % 2017, Eurostat
Prizes for Bulgaria from International High School Competitions in October 2018 - September 2019
Graduates Potentially Suitable for Outsourcing by Year and Field (%)
Number of Schools and Universities Preparing Students for Potential Outsourcing
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