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History and Future of the Office

According to a recent research History and Future of the Office of Cushman&Wakefield and the Center for Real Estate and Urban Analysis over 50% of the employees feel unsatisfied when working from home. One of the reasons is that they lack of new knowledge and further development.
Having reviewed the main drivers affecting the future of office in the post-COVID-19 world, it is unlikely that organizations will see sustained 100% remote work in the long-run given mixed evidence in the research and occupiers’ mixed experiences with their employees. The long-term tailwinds for the role of the office and the generation of office demand remain.
The research proves that even though the work from home saves time and is less stressful, the effectiveness of the employees is affected due to lack of communication with their colleagues. In a tangible sense, employees benefit from remote working through increased autonomy, decreased commuting time and increased work-life balance. The negative effects of a distributed workforce on employee satisfaction can be exacerbated by poor management of remote work and workers. Regardless of the strategy—from 100% virtual office to all employees required to be in the office every day—talent management still matters.
You can read the full report attached.

Read the full report here.
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