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Plovdiv held the largest IT Conference for a 7th time

PlovDev is the largest IT conference in Plovdiv, organized by Proxiad Bulgaria for a 7th consecutive year, which main goal is to gather IT specialists and everyone interested in innovations in technologies every year to exchange knowledge and experience. The event dates since 2012 whereas it had more than 1200 visitors throughout the years.

This year, Plovdev was held in Eccoplex cinema, on 30.11.2019. It was visited by almost 200 IT enthusiasts. During the conference visitors attended 9 lectures. Presentations were on various topics on latest trends in IT, such as: innovations in VR technology, difference between Quarkus and Spring Boot programming models, C# programming language, Apache Kafka source code and others related techniques related to job search, and retention. All guest speakers were IT specialists with more than 10 years of IT experience, carefully selected by Proxiad Bulgaria team. The event was supported by Proxiad Bulgaria partners: Roobar, Devin, Rice Up and Dolce Ghusto. And this year visitors could join the Proxiad Bulgaria charity cause by purchasing a T-shirt, branded with PlovDev logo. Funds will be spent for buying laptops which will be donated for the modernization of Information Technology Cabinet at Kocho Chestemensky School.

PlovDev is part of the Proxiad Bulgaria strategy to support the development of the IT community. Proxiad Bulgaria is an IT Services company created in 2004, part of the French group Proxiad. The company has offices in Sofia and Plovdiv and collaborates with big hi-tech companies in the financial and banking sector. During the last years the company has significantly increased its team of software specialist in Plovdiv city. You can read more information about Peoxiad Bulgaria here:

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