Throughout its long history Kocho Chestemenski team has been constantly striving to enrich the facilities and modernize the educational process through participation in various projects, programs and donation campaigns. Only in the last year the school received funding from the European Commission for several innovative projects in the Education sector: “Modernization of Educational Process” and “Erasmus +” , and was actively involved in “Your Hour” project for which it was awarded with a plaque from Regional Department of Education - Plovdiv. The new academic year 2019/2020 has started with the integration of Google G Suite for Education which allows less paperwork and developments in students’ digital competences.
“Your support gives us encouragement and strength to keep up working in the name of our future – the children!” – these were the ending words of the thank you letter Zlatka Alzhenaby – the Principal of Kocho Chestemenski - sent to Proxiad Bulgaria.
Currently, there are ongoing renovations in the cabinet of Information Technology- part of the school overall modernization program. After the project is completed, the laptops Proxiad donated will serve to 439 students in their computer science classes. The company has already started organizing the 8th PlovDev IT conference, which will be held in the fall of 2020. You can find more information and latest news about Proxiad Bulgaria here:
https://bulgaria.proxiad.com/about-us/#news оr on the Facebook page of the event: https://web.facebook.com/PlovDev/