The Community Board funds projects focused on health, education and environment. For the purposes of this open call, the applications’ scope requires the projects to have a positive impact on a significant number of people or groups affected by the COVID-19 crisis and start by June 1, 2021.
This year, a total value of BGN 170,000 will be allocated to the approved projects. The limit of funding per project remains increased as in 2020 - from BGN 9,000 to BGN 15,000. The application deadline for the first open call is Friday, March 5, 23:59. In addition to this open call, the Community Board will host another session in autumn.
In 2020, TELUS International Bulgaria Community Board funded 14 socially significant projects in support of local communities and citizens affected by the COVID-19 crisis. The total number of their beneficiaries is over 150,000 Bulgarian citizens.
All details about the application process can be found on the Community Board’s Internet page.
Since its establishment in 2015, the TELUS International Bulgaria Community Board has funded more than 126 projects with a total value of nearly BGN 1M.