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The foundation of TELUS International Bulgaria supports financially five new socially significant projects

On June 12, the first meeting of the jury of TELUS International Bulgaria Community Board Foundation was held. Over 100 applications competed, with a significant number in Healthcare. The jury ranked five socially significant projects in support of local communities, to fund a total of BGN 73,214. The supported civil organizations are:

Speleo Club Burgas-NEPIAST with the project Cave Age 2.0

Did you know that in Bulgaria, there are over 6000 caves, but only about 2% are monitored? This is leading to insufficient data on climate changes and potential threats to water resources. Cave Age 2.0 is a pilot project aimed to establish a scientific monitoring system for cave flora, fauna, and bat colonies in 11 caves, using advanced multisensor and analog devices to gather data and promote long-term conservation efforts. A team of scientists (researchers and museum experts) and engineers, all passionate about speleology, will develop and deploy and maintain the monitoring devices. Furthermore, they will develop guidelines for cave conservation and habitat protection based on findings. The project execution will unite communities of researchers and scientists, fostering long-term collaboration and encouraging sustainable conservation efforts.

ARTON-Bulgaria Foundation and their project 'Art therapy for children from the Clinic of Pediatric Oncohematology - Sofia’ will provide art therapy to help children with oncohematological diseases in their adaptation to the hospital environment through art sessions for children and parents designed to amaze and inspire the children, stimulating their creativity, strength, and faith in their recovery. The sessions serve also as a form of psychological support to deal with the fear, anxiety and pain of the young patients, and take place in the children's oncohematology ward by a team of oncopsychologists, art therapists, and coordinators.

Association ‘Club of non-government organizations’ Targovishte will implement the project ‘Let’s learn and play’ by implementing the patented program model - ELEMENT GAME®, in partnership with the ‘Foundation for Children at Risk Worldwide’ to support children aged 2 to 6 in their early development of communication, socio-emotional, fine and gross motor skills, and specifically enhancing their knowledge of the Bulgarian language. Their approach will contribute to ensuring equal starting opportunities for children entering school in urban areas and facilitate their quicker integration. The materials provided within the project will enable the continuous usage of the model in Vardun village, and the spread of successful practices to other communities in the region.

Foundation Community in Help for the Addicts and the project ‘Everyone can, but not by themselves’ is a continuation of their work and upgrade to the micro-social enterprise they established during their first project backed up by the Community board back in 2022. This year, the residents will be involved in an active behavioral model through occupational therapy in support of elderly people and local communities. With our financial support they will have the tools and means to acquire new knowledge and skills in the area of gardening and landscaping, painting and decorating, and general repairs and upkeep. The social enterprise will offer subscription services as part of its sustainable development.

Life with Scoliosis Foundation, and their project ScoliHelp 2.0 will continue to provide timely assistance and psychological support for children aged 9-16 diagnosed with scoliosis. Within the project an informative video will be launched on one of the most popular platforms for online learning in order to raise awareness about the condition and its symptoms which can be neglected due to misunderstanding of the seriousness of the problem, and encourage inclusion and deeper understanding for those who already have it. Informational webinars on the topic for both young patients and their parents will be held and distributed online free of charge.

In addition, the Foundation is organizing an International Conference on the topic in Sofia on June 29, open to the wider public, for which you can read more about here.

This year, the foundation of TELUS International Bulgaria celebrates ten years since its foundation, having so far supported a total of 171 projects with over one and a half million BGN.

In 2023, the TELUS International Bulgaria Community Board Foundation allocated a total of BGN 170,000 to 14 projects, helping over 100,000 people in the country. The next call for applications will be opened this autumn and announced here on the foundation's website.
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