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The Infopulse company presents the Pulse Time 2.0 video project - interviews with top experts of the IT industry in Europe

This year Infopulse has launched a new season of the YouTube project Pulse Time 2.0, which introduces us to the leading IT experts from Poland, Ukraine, Bulgaria, and Germany.

The guests of the program talk about the development of technologies in their fields, personal career path and their life in general.

Pulse Time 2.0 includes 5 extensive interviews with top specialists. Three of them are already available on the Infopulse Community YouTube channel:

  • The guest of the first episode, Grzegorz Duda, the "father" of Devoxx in Poland, the owner of Developers World, and the founder of 33rd Degree, talked about the criteria for selecting speakers for his conferences, processing feedback from event visitors, and shared his opinion about the importance of teaching children coding and using AI by developers.

  • The second episode presents Valeriia Zlobina, Head of Business Development and Marketing at Infopulse. Valeria shared the story of the challenges her team has faced in recent years, explained what skills and qualities are necessary for a successful lead generation specialist and how to become one, and also revealed the main principle of Ukrainian volunteering.

  • The third episode features Anton Angelov, CTO and co-founder of Automate The Planet and the inventor of the BELLATRIX Test Automation Framework. The expert highlighted the issues of modern education and the differences in cooperating with large and small companies. He also shared tips on how to be ready for public speaking under any conditions.

  • The fourth and the fifth episodes are coming out this fall 🔥

Each episode provides useful information from the experts, and the possibility to get valuable gifts for participating in contests from Infopulse and the guests of the show. Do not miss the opportunity – watch the episodes carefully, listen to questions, and write your answers in the comments section under the videos.
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